Thursday, November 25, 2010
What makes you a Christian? - God's Love
Who is the Holy Spirit - How to Receive Him
The Pentecostals see Him as the force behind speaking in tongues and the motivator of spiritual zeal. Often, His presence is heralded with great emotional display.
Then came the Charismatics, presenting the Holy Spirit to the world as the operator of signs and wonders, and diverse manifestations, like "falling under the power."
He is not a feeling or a falling, nor is He a crying or a wailing. He is no emotion, He is a person.
He is a personality in the order of the Godhead! He is the third person of the Trinity - but not inferior.
He is in charge of the affairs of the kingdom of God on earth today.
He is the Chief Executive of the divine programme on earth.
He is the motivator, energizer and operator of every revealed plan (vision)from God.
He is the revealer of the hidden treasures of the kingdom and holds the key to the inheritance of the saints.
The Holy Spirit is the most valuable asset to Christian living. He is the central figure in any breakthrough in life.
"But why all the counterfeits’", you may ask. The simple answer is this: the presence of the counterfeit is a sure proof of the existence of the genuine. No other personality of the Godhead is more impersonated than the Holy Spirit. This is because He is the reality of the hour.
I began to find faults with those who claim to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Little did I know that the enemy was out to steal my destiny. Today, that same Holy Spirit is my sweetest companion and greatest asset.
Come with me on an exciting adventure into the person and mission of the Holy Spirit.
You need to first understand that we are Filled by the Holy Spirit by Faith; You dont need a mountain moving faith but as little as a mustard seed kind of faith via confession; then we can experience the abundant and fruitful life which Christ promised to each Christian.You can appropriate the filling of the Holy Spirit right now if you:
1.Sincerely desire to be directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 5:6; John 7:37-39). Confess your sins.
2. By faith thank God that He has forgiven all of your sins - past, present and future - because Christ died for you (Colossians 2:13-15; 1 John 1; 2:1-3; Hebrews 10:1-17). Present every area of your life to God (Romans 12:1, 2).
3. By faith claim the fullness of the Holy Spirit, according to:
A. His Command - Be filled with the Spirit. "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18).
There is no professional way of receiving the Holy Spirit than Stated above.
You dont need to wait in the Upper Room for the infilling again. you can receive Him immediately you covert Him. He is our Helper and with Him, You begin to walk in Gods plan for your life per minute.
Deal with Worries and Anxieties God’s Way
How can I increase my faith?- Christian Faith in God
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
You Can See JESUS

Relax and concentrate on the 4 small dots in the middle of the picture for about 30-40 seconds
Then, take a look at a wall near you (any smooth, single coloured surface)
You will see a circle of light developing
Start blinking your eyes a couple of times and you will see a figure emerging
What do you see? Moreover, whom do you see?
You will See a picture of JESUS
How to Know God

In the Bible, God tells us that he created us to have unending fellowship with him, peace with our fellow man, harmony and joy within our family relationships, and to have dominion over the world in which he placed us. But we chose to go another way.
We learn in the same Bible that we, through our forefathers, chose to live our lives for ourselves, rather than to have fellowship with God. This choice of selfishness lead to our earthly death, to no peace with our fellow man, to disharmony and sadness within our family relationships, and to a lack of proper care of the world in which he placed us. Because of this, our future changed to one of eternal separation from fellowship with God after death, completely without hope of joy or peace.
The Bible goes on to record how God provided the remedy for our chosen path of selfishness. He came to us in the form of his son Jesus Christ. This son lived a life of fellowship, peace, harmony, and joy in full fellowship with God. Though innocent of any wrongdoing, he voluntarily allowed himself to suffer and die as a guilty lawbreaker, and received upon himself the full penalty of our selfishness by death on a cross.
The wonderful conclusion recorded in the Bible is that this Jesus rose from the dead and returned to God. He is forever our representative before God. He enables us today to enjoy fellowship with God, peace with our fellow man, harmony and joy within our family relationships, and to exercise proper dominion over this world in which he has placed us. We need only to pray and ask him to come in and rule in our hearts and lives.
Simply talk to God and say, "Thank you, God, for loving me and sending your Son to die on the cross for the wrongs I have done. I now choose to make Jesus the Lord of my life. Help me to be the kind of person that You want me to be. In Jesus' Name, Amen."