By now most of you know that this is not a typical Jesus blog. The perspective presented here is one of awakening better known as enlightenment or freedom from suffering—awakening to the truth of yourself in the Heart of Christ. It is not a Christian blog in that it does not adhere to any kind of dogma, catechism or Christian denomination. On the simplest level this blog is simply an invitation turn your attention where Jesus is pointing. What does he want you to see, to hear, to understand? If you think you know, stop for a moment and not know. Not knowing offers you the simple opportunity to discover for yourself without any idea or concept. Inquiring is self-discovery and it is through your own discovery that the profound depth of his message can be recognized, not understood, but recognized. It is a discovery so sacred so pristine it contains the power to change your life forever. Truly, it is a sacred awakening.
Jesus says, “For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.” (Luke 12:23) Jesus offers you many clues that lead to self-discovery. If you look at his words as a question, rather than a statement, you have an opportunity to look into eternity. What is life? How is you body more than clothing? For years I was mystified by the Bible, it seemed that there was some hidden message that was not easily perceived, the language was strange, and incomprehensible—it left me feeling unfulfilled and disillusioned. In 1997 I had a profound mystical experience of Jesus that was the catalyst for a search for Truth. This search ended in July of 2001 when a profoundly deep prayer led me to one of the most profound teachers of our time—Gangaji. Her simple invitation, ‘To stop, be still, be quiet and discover who you are at the core,’ opened the flood gates of true wisdom. Suddenly all scripture became crystal clear. It didn’t matter if it was the sutras of Buddha, the words of Christ, the Quran, or the Upanishads—suddenly, infallibly I heard with out hearing the deepest message of Truth—the deepest message of Jesus—it was and continues to be a Sacred Awakening. Gangaji has been invited to participate in a global conversation that includes many of the world’s leading spiritual teachers in The Shift Network’s Sacred Awakening conference series—a deep conversation that contemplates the question: What does it mean to live a sacred life? Later this month you can participate in this conversation with Gangaji by phone. How can this global meeting help you to understand the teaching of Jesus on an even deeper level?