Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah, Nehemiah 8:10, NIV)
Blessings to you… you who are blessed mightily of the Lord. Today is going to be a GREAT day for you!
Today’s inspirational short comes from the words of Nehemiah, who found himself and his people struggling to get back to Israel (the land of their forefathers)… after their people had been seized and sent into exile by the great Persian empire.
Nehemiah had gained permission from the Persian king to go back to Israel and go back to his homeland… and rebuild the walls that surrounded the city of Jerusalem. Walls in those days were important, because it helped the ancient cities of those days stay protected against enemy invaders.
Once Nehemiah and a small band of brothers who accompanied him reached Jerusalem after a long, perilous journey through the desert… the fight didn’t end there, it just began. People who were supposed to be Nehemiah’s friends, people who were supposed to be on his side, even people who were supposed to be his brothers turned against him… and plotted to have him fail at his attempt to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
It was pretty much civil war in that camp!
But isn’t it funny, how in the midst of a mess… and in the midst of the trials in life that we sometimes find ourselves in… how God can somehow show up… and make a way of escape for us?
Nehemiah and most of his people were on a mission of God to accomplish a purpose (rebuild the walls)… and were rightfully disappointed, perplexed and frustrated by everything that was happening to them… by people who were supposed to be close to them!
But in spite of the fact that they had every reason to be sorrowful, sad and dismayed… Nehemiah summed it up perfectly when he stated to them the following:
“This day is holy to OUR Lord. Do not grieve, for the JOY of the LORD is your strength!”
…and I repeat these words back to you! Do not grieve, whatever you are going through and whatever you are facing. Know that even in your own physical weakness and tiredness that you may be feeling mentally… you can lean on God, you can depend on Him.
Why? Because the JOY of the Lord, is your STRENGTH!
Be blessed and have a SUPER day today
Do you know your authority?
“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” (Jesus, Luke 10:19)
Authority (defined):
1. A power or right delegated or given; authorization:
2. Right to respect or acceptance of one’s word, command, thought, etc. commanding influence.
Do you know that you have authority and power through Jesus Christ? Christians in every country of the world are faced with serious situations on a daily basis. Health prob lems, financial, family, employment or political situations are constantly changing which causes great stress, and the majority of the Christians do not know what to do.
A feeling of hope lessness is trying to cripple the saints to cause them to stop depending on the faith that God has given us. We are to remember that we are in a spiritual warfare. Satan wants as many believers as possible to live defeated lives, and does not want the power of God to be demonstrated through us. The devil does not want the world to see any difference between sinners and the saints. Satan’s idea is to keep as many people as possible from serving the Lord.
A spirit of hopelessness comes from Satan, but you have the authority to come against this spirit in the Name of Jesus. A great battle is being waged in the world today, which is not physical, but is spiritual in nature!
Did you know that Jesus has given YOU the authority or “power of attorney” to use His name in all situations where it is needed?
The name of Jesus is so powerful that NOTHING can stand against it!
he satanic forces that come against you shudderand tremble at the name of Jesus. Satan found out what was stopping him from having victory, and causing him defeat. It wass the Name of Jesus!!
Jesus has given both you and I the authority to use His name, a name that is above every name in the universe. Everything that has a name, has to bow to the name of Jesus!
Satan is a name. The name of Jesus is high above that name!
Cancer is a name, poverty is a name, recession is a name, arthritis is a name, diabetes is a name, heart trouble, adultery, etc… all are names. But guess what? The name of Jesus is ABOVE it all!
You have the authority to resist and bind all of these spirits or names in the name of Jesus. You must recognize that each one of these things have to bow the knee and be subject to the name of Jesus, each and every time they try to come against you.
The angels re spond to the name and the authority of Jesus. When you quote the word of God, you can loose the angelic forces to take care of that problem because of the name of Jesus.
Walk in your authority!
Be Blessed and have a GREAT day today,