I have been patiently praying for a special intention for my family for a very, very long time. I am also doing everything within my power to try and make this special intention come true. I believe it is in the best interest of my family. I don’t believe what I am praying for is selfish, self serving but will only bring peace and harmony to my family. Everyday I hope my prayers will be answered…..but no, each day comes and no answer.
On the one hand I get so furious, disappointed, at times despondent, and depressed. Then I self-talk myself back to realizing that God is in control and if my prayers are to be answered and if what I am praying for is supposed to happen, it will. If it is not God’s Will, it won’t.
I try so hard to remain open minded that my plans which seem so right and wholesome to me may not be God’s Plan. So I fluctuate between Acceptance and Anger.
I also find that sometimes the best thing to do is to step back, try to see the humor in life, as I know God HAS to have an amazing Sense of Humor, and simply laugh and say, I will wait to see what tomorrow brings and trust that God’s Plan will unfold.
So for the moment, I am going to enjoy these humorous pictures depicting the funny side of Patience, pray that God Answers my prayers, and Hope for tomorrow.
Praise to you O Lord Jesus Christ.