Jesus says, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:24) If for a moment you stop paying attention to your thoughts of the past or your thoughts of the future, what do you experience? What do you notice? The common experience is to try and cling to the good experiences of life and get rid of or avoid the bad experiences in life. But this endless clinging to and avoidance of is the source of deep suffering throughout the world.
What exactly are you telling yourself about yourself or others? Does this endless conversation you are having inside your own head offer you any peace, any happiness? This does not mean you should try and stay focused on the present moment. Trying to stay in the moment is another trick of your mind. You are the moment. The moment is always here whether you are aware of it or not. The endless freedom of the moment reveals itself when you simply, very simply, stop talking to yourself.
Rumi says, “Christ is the population of the world and every object as well. There is no room for hypocrisy Why use bitter soup for healing, when sweet water is everywhere. Lovers think they are looking for each other, but there is only one search. Wandering this world is wandering that, both inside one transparent sky. In here there is no dogma and no heresy. The miracle of Jesus is himself. Not what he said or did about the future, forget the future, I’d worship someone who could do that.
Rumi says, “Christ is the population of the world and every object as well. There is no room for hypocrisy Why use bitter soup for healing, when sweet water is everywhere. Lovers think they are looking for each other, but there is only one search. Wandering this world is wandering that, both inside one transparent sky. In here there is no dogma and no heresy. The miracle of Jesus is himself. Not what he said or did about the future, forget the future, I’d worship someone who could do that.
Rumi continues, “On the way you may want to look back or not, but if you can say there is nothing ahead there will be nothing there. Stretch your arms and take hold the cloth of your clothes with both hands. The cure for pain is in the pain. Good and bad are mixed, if you don’t have both you don’t belong with us. When one of us gets lost, is not here, he must be inside us, there is no place like that anywhere in the world.”
Jesus explains, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62) When you focus your attention on the past it is like living your life looking in a rear view mirror or looking at a mirage in the desert. Is that past real right now in this moment? Looking at the past or the future hides what is always here, it hides that which never changes, is always constant, always present. Pain is part of life, but suffering is the story you are telling yourself about the pain you experience in life. Suffering is complex and it has to be practiced to continue.
The cure for suffering resides in the pain. It is the fear, anger, or hysteria that you are avoiding that hides the truth of who you are at the core of your being. Instead of avoiding the pain, penetrate the pain or fear, or any emotion you are experiencing with your awareness and discover what is at the core—What do you experience when you meet any emotion, when you allow yourself to full immerse yourself in it, not by acting it our or suppressing it, but by allowing yourself to become it? What happens when you take the label ‘fear’ or ‘sadness off the emotion? What do you experience if it has no label, no story?
Jesus illuminates, “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins.” (Luke 5:37) The new wine is the essence of your life the life force that beats your heart. If you pour your life energy into your story you will suffer, it destroys your life or the wine skin will burst. If you remain aware of this life force and stop touching your story you are free from this endless suffering, you will be free from the endless commentary of your own mind—new wine in new wine skins.
Discovering this secret for yourself is the key that frees you from the prison of you own thoughts. This ancient secret, the key to true lasting fulfillment, can only occur when you stop and look where Jesus is pointing.
You are life. You are free. You are eternal. You are the deathless spirit. Discover that which is free from all thought, all emotions and all sensations—You are That eternal Freedom—the doorway to the Kingdom of God!
True abundance has nothing to do with the things of this world. It has nothing to do with any emotion or feeling. In Truth, you are endlessly wealthy, endlessly abundant. You are Love itself and that Love never ends! Wow!
Love is who you are. Love is the essence of Life. Love is the great secret of Life. Not the love of someone else, but the Love, the infinite Light that you are.