How many couples do you know who have been married 60 years? I only know one. My wife’s aunt went to Jesus this week. She married at age 15 and died in her loving and devoted husband’s arms 60 years later. She lived in the same house in the same town all those years. She buried 2 of her 3 children.
Here is how I would describe her: Loving, always smiling, bright beautiful sparkling eyes, HAPPY, kind, devoted, always something positive and encouraging to say to everyone and her comments were specific to each individual. Never an unkind word about anyone.
She suffered a lot in the last few years but the times I saw here she was HAPPY, positive and always focused on the person she was with. I always felt “good about myself” in her presence b/c she was so complimentary to me and everyone. And her comments were always personal and meaningful about my life.
To me, she is the perfect example of a loving, caring Christian woman. Devoted and faithful to her husband and family. Her Faith which she freguently and reverently mentioned, was like a bright shining beacon. You could not help but be inspired when you were with her. Everyone was drawn to her b/c of the positive way she made them feel about themselves. She shared the Love of Jesus w/ everyone.
The most impressive thing for me is that here is a woman who buried her children, suffered physically, lead an extremely conservative life (by the modern world’s standards) in a very small midwest town yet she was HAPPY, POSITIVE and LOVING. I believe her faith and the fact that she always focused on other people rather than herself were the key reasons she was so content and HAPPY in life……and now she will forever be content and HAPPY in heaven with Jesus and her family.
Praise to You O Lord Jesus Christ