Monday, August 23, 2010

Embrace Change

Matthew 18:3

“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Romans 8:28

“All we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.”

The sun. One of the many splendors that God created. It rises through the darkness and shines throughout the land and sets after a long day. The sun can mark a transition point in our lives.

Let’s start with the sunset. The light fades into darkness and this could reflect how we turned away from God and lived in the darkness of the world and valued whatever it gave us more than the Word. Then over time, we realize how dull and boring the world can be, and with a breakthrough and change of life, darkness falls and the sun rises. We rise to a new day and lifestyle.

As we transition from the point in our lives where we were distant from God and our vision seemed either irrelevant or nonexistent to getting to know Him better, we must become and remain moldable. Let our hearts be molded into His word. God is the potter and we are His clay and if we are to achieve greatness, we must live (to the best of our ability) as Jesus did. When we embrace change, God reveals himself to us and makes the vision for our lives more apparent.

Jesus Loves You

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