Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Counterfeit Values

God is good. God is everlasting. God has expectations on how we should live. For every good thing that God has in store for us, the devil has a counterfeit. According to Dictionary.com, anything that is counterfeit is made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; not genuine; forged. Counterfeit money for example is used to be passed off as legal tender. Ultimately, anything that is counterfeit will not last for long and anyone who participates in counterfeiting will get caught.


God sacrificed his only begotten son so that souls of humanity may be saved. Jesus performed many miracles and He accomplished great things. He also died for our sins. He will return again (very soon) to save His people.

The devil will use a counterfeit Christ or an antichrist. The antichrist will perform great miracles, but the antichrist does not want to save us, he wants us all destroyed. The miracle that will be performed by the antichrist will be used to deceive us. Study and learn about the second coming of Christ.


God loves us all. He wants us to love each other. He wants us to love each other as we would love ourselves. ”Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Leviticus 19:18). God also wants us to love our enemies. ”Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). Love is a very powerful attribute of God’s character.

The devil has a counterfeit for love. Most people think that the counterfeit for love is hate, but in actuality, the counterfeit of love is fear. 1 John 4:18 tells us that “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” Have you watched the news lately? The devil use violence among other crimes to introduce fear to our lives.


God wants us to worship Him and only Him. This is expressed in The Ten Commandments. ”Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). God is a jealous God. He created the earth and everything that is in the earth. He does not want us to worship or praise anything or anyone else. We should not put anything above God. Not our jobs, homes, cars, relationships, etc.

The devil wants us to worship him. He wants us to indulge in sin. When we sin, we give the devil much delight. He gets happy when we go against God. The devil wants us to put everything above and God. He wants to deceive us. He wants us to have multiple gods. Let’s not give in to the devil.


Marriage is a gift that God has given to mankind. Long ago in the Garden of Eden, God created Adam and Eve. God gave Eve to Adam. God’s plan for marriage is for one man and one woman to come together and become one flesh. Marriage is sacred. Marriage is a touchy subject in society. I am not judging anyone, I am just telling you what God’s plan for marriage is. It is not God’s plan for marriage to be shared with the same sex. It is not God’s plan for people to have multiple wives or multiple husbands. God’s plan for marriage is the union of one male and one female. God created us in his image. Males have a set of God’s qualities and females have another set of God’s qualities. When male and female come together in marriage, they represent the complete image of God.

The devil wants to distort the image of God. The devil deceives people into thinking that same sex marriage is Ok. He wants to confuse us and cause us to attack one another. People who are in same sex relationships and want to get married feel that they are being discriminated against because in many places, same sex marriage is illegal. Same sex relationships are the work of the devil. Also, the devil wants us to believe that having multiple spouses is acceptable. Having multiple spouses is not part of God’s plan for marriage. The devil’s counterfeit to marriage is same sex marriage and polygamy.


Sex is a gift that God has given to married couples. Sex among married couples is beautiful in the eyes of God. If you are married, you should not have sex with anyone other than your spouse. Period. If you are not married, you should not be having sex. Period. Waiting until marriage to have sex is not popular. I have failed at this myself, but it is what God wants for us.

The devil wants us to experience pleasure at any cost without discretion. He wants us to have sex with anyone who wants it. He wants to see us destroy ourselves. The devil likes to see us get diseases, he likes to see teenagers have unplanned pregnancies, he likes to see the baby-mama-drama. We have to rise above sexual temptation. There are too many single parent homes, there are too many people who don’t know who their father is, and there are too many people dying.

Satan / The devil

Satan was created by God. Satan was a glorious angel who was given the gift of song. A pastor I know once said that Satan was able to sing three part harmony all by himself. There was one major flaw with Satan; he thought that he was above God. He thought that he should be worshipped. He even got some of the angels to worship him. Satan and the angels who worshipped him were kicked out of heaven.

Satan’s counterfeit to this is that he wants us to think that he does not exist. If we think that he does not exist, then we will not be ready for his attacks. Have you ever been attacked by something that does not exist? Satan’s biggest weapon is deception. Our biggest weapon is the word of God. Our weapon is greater than Satan and his weapon. Satan has his reward, eternal damnation. I don’t want to join him. I am sure that you don’t want to join him either.

The bottom line is that for every good thing that God has for us, the devil has a counterfeit. The devil is the enemy and he is always trying to deceive us. He wants us to be destroyed. Always remember that the devil has already lost. He knows this and he wants to take us with him. No matter what negative thing that you have done in your life, God will forgive you. Ask for forgiveness and sin no more. It is also very important to study the Bible. Think about the following:

Who do you serve? Whose side are you on? Do you even know?

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).


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