Thursday, December 23, 2010

What do you Trust?

For weeks now I have been wondering what to do with this blog. Is it really serving you? Is it helping you to see the deepest Truth that Jesus is eternally pointing you toward? Certainly, there is a prevalent fear of false prophets, false teachers, false leaders, and the great fear that the end of the world is near. In contemplating this the question arose, ‘What do you trust?” Can your thoughts be trusted? Your feelings? Can people be trusted? And a deeper question arises, “What can always be trusted?” Certainly if you are in the dark, if you are ignorant of truth, ignorant of the freedom, ignorant of the peace that surpasses all understanding, you are like a man walking in the darkness not knowing where you are going.

Jesus continues, “Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light.” (John 12:35) Where is this light? What is this light? What is the nature of light? Emotions change. Feelings change. People, places and things in your life are in constant flux, constant change. Life itself is a continuum of change, but what is it that never changes? What is always present regardless of your circumstances, your emotions, your wealth or your poverty, your tears or your laughter, your health or your sickness? Stop for a moment and ask yourself, “What do I trust? What is present when I am happy and when I am sad?” What is always present that can always be trusted?

What do you trust?

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