I always cringed when I heard the phrase, “LOVE YOUR ENEMY.” when growing up. I assumed it was not really what they meant but some kind of “metaphor” or exageration to simply make a point. I hated the bully in school, those who made fun of me, or my family, some because they were so different from me I thought we had nothing in common. I didn’t actually think I “hated” them but I knew I didn’t “like” them b/c I thought they were weird! I thought I hated Russians when there was talk of war when growing up (I never met a Russian until college). I was jealous and envious of some who were better, more fortunate, more talented (not good looking, at least….??) and sometimes I found myself resenting them which bordered on hate or at least it seemed to at the time.
As I got older and started getting out in the “real” world and away from my 3,000 person town in S. Indiana (which really does have good, honest and Christian people, but we were all very much alike in many ways there) I realized there were a LOT more people a whole lot different than me with different beliefs, looks, languages, religion, skin color, traditions, values, backgrounds, orientations and so on.
As I got older I also started taking my religious beliefs more seriously and more literally. I was always amazed that Jesus could actually ask God to forgive those who crucified and killed HIM on the cross. Jesus said “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”
The closer I got to Jesus, the more I realized if I was going to get to heaven, the more I had to act, think and respond the Way HE did. I started slowly looking at people I did not know, did not like, found their ways foreign even at times disgusting to me. There were various groups I had to stop and realize that my feelings alternated between dislike, disapproval and hate.
I have not yet achieved the level of love, forgiveness and acceptance of all God’s children HE wants for me but I know I am making progress. I try very hard to separate their actions, looks, words, and background from the Living Spirit in them that God Placed there in their soul. When I look for that Spirit, regardless of their actions and words, I find it “easier” at times to “Love my enemy.” “Enemy” in this context may not be a mortal enemy but could be anyone I don’t approve of, agree with or understand. If their words have harmed me, embarrassed me or insulted me, I try to separate the words from who they are. I was robbed once on a trip to Chicago in my early 30′s and I hated them for the longest time b/c they made me feel so helpless and defenseless. It is hardest for me to love others when their actions and words affect me personally or my family and friends.
But when I try to view everyone in much the same way that God views us all…..equal, the same inside, the same Immortal soul, with the same God the Father, All of us Children of God, the same equal choice to choose God and Eternity with HIM…that vision helps me screen away their actions and words and embrace everyone b/c we are all the Same in God’s Eyes. He loves us all. He expects me to do the same.
And I am committed to try and work towards that end.
Praise to you O Lord Jesus Christ.
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